31 May, 2006

Things that I am not good at:

Delivering bad news (hence I am not a physician)
gettting organised (once i get organised i think i can stay that way, of course it has not happened yet so)
dealing with confrontation
lying (to people who mean something to me, strangers not much of a problem)
using time wisely (this has been the same since kindergarten, hopefully not a trait i have passed on to my children. this is where the influence of my wife will have the most profound effect on our children. with any luck her personality will counter my own in this regard. i have all these wonderful plans: exercising while watching hockey games, starting the laundry then un/loading the dishwasher. usually i do this in the reverse order and that doesn't work as well.)
working with wood
working without being creative
maitaining correspondences (digital or otherwise, i think this falls into uses time wisely)
being strict without being loud (let's make that being strict.)


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