16 January, 2007

Procrastination .. or reasons I don't sleep

Instead of SketchUp'ing the changes we want to make to the house, all I have so far is measurements but I am getting there, I have discovered:

1) The webcams over looking Main Street where I spent my teenage years

2) convinced someone to come build a new bunk bed for the boys.
3) Sent email to people.
4) Drunk a glass of wine.
5) IM'd more people (GTALK kasperectomy - like that took brain power)

6) Decided to add these links to /. (slashdot.org) stories about global warming
Positive - New Islands I love the name: Uunartoq Qeqertoq: the warming island
Negative - Lost Islands, what a Christmas present
7) The LA Kings, now have an NHL first - a Japanese goalie. Not a great start but it's a tough job.

8) blogged

9) watched Boston Legal.

Now I have to get back to what I should have been doing all this time.

Why do I even bother no one reads this and if they do I wonder why?


Blogger bibliofilly said...

i read your blog, now that i know you have one! Thanks for the webcam on EA - my memories of Main Street often involve slush. Good to not be disappointed...

17/1/07 12:34  
Blogger karen said...

i read your blog...and i wonder why, too, since i'm generally around for the stuff you write about. :)

23/1/07 19:29  

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