Tea vs. Coffee
Caffeine Infusion +6 I have been drinking more tea. Also my wife
discovered, because of my mother (are you sensing a theme here?), a
wonderful earl grey and that has contributed to my increase in tea
consumption greatly.
It is drizzily, miserable and wet here. This morning I was unable to
make coffee before having to take Ross to the bus stop, so when I
returned I made tea instead. This is good and the tea, although
caffeinated, is more of a comfort food then a "wake up and getting
going" drink.
My wife, sometime between the time we started dating and the time we
cohabitated, converted me to a coffee drinker. i have never regretted
that switch, but I have missed drinking tea. I was a tea drinkier,
because of my mother, all my young life and it was a transition into
adulthood (yeah, right!) that accompanied my coffee drinking.
On a day like today (see above) a hot cup of tea is more relaxing and
reviving than a cup of coffee. I find I don't drink the tea for
drinking the tea it's more about the aroma, the warmth of the mug in
my hand, the memories, and the ambiance.
I am also discovering that mugs are like close, dear friends. I have
found that coffee mugs do not always work with tea and vice versea.
Also, much like alcohol, different coffees/teas taste differently in
that same mug.
That favorite mug for earl grey might not work so well with
darjeeling and not at all with a Guatamalen roast.
Love to all, keep it real y'all.
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