16 February, 2006

Lemon Demon

Lemon Demon -
1) it's a band.
2) check out weebls-stuff and look for The Ultimate Showdown

3) hit the website - lemon demon

Ahh to Dance Like an Idiot.

And just when I hoped the 80s were finally behind us I ran across this:


I'm sooo excited

Ok so it may seem disingenious but I am truly sincere I can't wait til
Lego Star Wars II comes out. This is sooo cool.

Now I may have to buy a 360 or maybe the PS3. That would be cool.

How do you make a toilet for that part?

Acorn Engineering Company: Penal Ware

not what i thought it was when i first read it.

15 February, 2006


so after spending waaaaaaay too much time on this .....
no waayyy


ok enough

i have decided that performacing works well but when publishing it tends to add additional tags that are not always needed. hmm... even when posting as an edit.

maybe i will just go back to BBedit.

absolutely beautiful

i wonder now if flock will change my blogging attitude.
currently it's too much work to remember to log in and make all those notes and changes and such.
yippeekayyah mo*****
I think the perfomancing plugin for firefox may win out over flock.

We'll see.
maybe this blogging thing will catch on... i mean with me.
though i have my doubts about that...
wonder if perfomancing
works with myspace? - nope at least not yet.