28 July, 2008

Happy Anniversaaaaaaaaarrrreeeeeee

Happy 75th Anninversary to the singing telegram. Reportedly, send to Rudi Vali on his birthday from an adoring fan.

25 July, 2008

Back in the US again

good to be home and too sleep in my own bed. but i really miss Germany.
Striking Difference:
On the plane to Germany we were fed twice. Each was a meal. When they
came to collect the trash I neatly stacked all my things with Lars'.
The attendant said "No, please don't do that. We need to separate them."
On the way to the US, we had 1 meal and 1 "sandwich" and about 500
glasses of water, if you wanted them.
When I left the meal trays separated for trash collection the
attendant just grabbed everything in one heap and tossed it.


05 July, 2008

Wow less day hmm

So I have stopped counting seconds since I last entered WoW.
Well, ok I was never counting seconds or minutes but, I have lost
track of the days. This is a good sign, right?
Now it could be because I have been busy, or not sleeping, or
sleeping too much, or trying to prepare for a trip abroad, or that I
have purchases 2 ds's for the kids and trying to get them at least
caught up so they can trade with their cousins starting on Tuesday,
or .. well that's about it.

I have been reading more wowinsider.com it's almost a daily stop now.
And I miss my wow friends, but I have rediscovered my family.. ok not
really. Because I usually only played after they were asleep, the
kids at least.

So the new printer is installed and Karen can actually use this one..

Back to finishing up the Desperate Housewives season.

02 July, 2008

NHL surprise UFAs

Joe Sakic - veteran --- could be a big help to a young team. Chris Drury type, tons of experience
Andre Zyuzin - I know his play has been inconsistent but when he's on ... he's hot.

Yanic Perrault - Buffalo?? hello? he wins face offs.
Kevyn Adams - Native son? Hello?
Glen Metropolit - hmm....  TAKEN by Philly uh-oh
Mark Streit - seriously??? The big shot from the point on the PP? - TAKEN: Islanders
Yann Danis - the other next patick roy
Patrice Brisebois?
Markus Naslund
Doug Weight - another c with experience and he knows how to close the deal
Bret Hedican - hmm
Ladislav Nagy - hmm
Brooks Orpik -
Sean Avery - not a surprise, but who wants him now?
Chris Chelios - retiring?

Waiting on goodbyes to sabres

Kalinin, Pratt, Teppo and Michael Ryan - all UFAs.

I expect to see Kalinin leave.
I expect to see Pratt go.
I am very sorry if Teppo goes, I think we need more experience on the blue and he has it in spades. Maybe he'd stay as a coach.
Michael Ryan will be the hardest one to see go, he's going to be a star in the NHL.

Day 3 - WoWlessness

I have successfully fended off the urge to install a different copy of WoW on a 2nd hard drive and use 1 of the 10 10 day passes I have.

so far.....

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01 July, 2008

20+ day no WoW experiment

Ok, so it's not really an experiment, more like a forced vacation.
I am in day 2 and so far.. I have read every single article on wowinsider.com that I can find on tanking.
I have made notes. I have written, copied, and modified macros for future use.
I have planned the time and day of the purchase of the next 60-day card.

I left Ironforge mounted, near a mailbox and ready to hit the AH for some new tanking gear.
Translation- I am in the city of Ironforge, the dwarven capital (home of the displaced gnomes), on my lvl 60 Swift Stormsaber mount, near a mailbox ( my mail will have approximately 1 day left before it gets deleted) and ready to go the Auction house to look for all the new gear I have
to buy to become a really effective warrior character for small and large group dungeons.

I have revamped all my talents to become a good tank.

I have made this post. I have updated my addon files and I have added 2 new ones to try out when I get back.
I have NOT exploded, started drooling, or had hot flashes. Yet.

Ok so that completes 2 days without wow.
Check back for further updates.

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