On my way home today a car in front of me has this bumper sticker, so I read it. Doesn't everyone? I mean do you find yourself trying to finish reading the incredibly tiny print on some of those stickers even if it means you have to make a uturn to get where you're going?
Ok, maybe you don't, and I never have, but I do try to read all of the bumper sticker.
Back to the point, this bumper sticker read WMD so as I get closer, since that is what traffic wanted I realise the sticker reads Weapons of Mass Deception. Pretty clever doncha think?
So right away I know this person does not support the War or the President. I don't have a problem with either of these positions.
But then the car with the bumper sticker changes lanes, then turns ALL without SIGNALLING!
Ok maybe this doesn't irk you but it really ticks me off.
So then the irony hits me. This driver is mad that the President and his policies have sent our young people (and some old) halfway around the world to die for a cause that they, the driver, does not believe in or agree with. But at least the President had the common decency to tell us ahead of time that's where he was headed!
You, I mean the driver in front of me, don't even have the intelligence to signal your intention with a motor vehicle travelling at speed and through residential neighborhoods.
I don't think the bleepbleep would have used brake lights if it weren't automatic.
Come ON PEOPLE the lever isn't just there because GM wants to charge you more for the car. It actually DOES something.
Like: inform all the other, bleeps, around you (self included), what the bleep you intend to do with that 1-2 ton combustioning metal weapon you are sitting in and manouvering in such a life threatening manner. Not just your life either you lazy, no good bleepity bleep.
Just have to add this story about driving. I might make this a daily blog, stupid things I see people do while driving, but on with the story.
This is a true story and happened a couple of years ago. I was just merging from a local State route onto an Interstate and in the process of checking my blind spot on the driver's side of the car as I signalled my intention to move into that lane I see a car. What?!! A car, you say. Yes, a large Lexus as I recall. Well what was interesting is this guy... a man yes.... was driving 65 or 70 and talking on the cell phone. Not unusual you say. Of course not and this was just after my state had passed a headset law, in certain counties, which we were not in. But then he suddenly disappears from view, not the car, his whole head and upper body. So I checked the lanes in front of me, they are clear so I sneak a peek back at this yahoo. He comes back up about 15 seconds afterward and he's still talking on the phone. Ahhh but this time he has TWO phones, one in each hand and he's carrying on 2 conversations. At this point I slowed way down so that he would be well ahead of me in case one of his phone calls should be his broker telling him the market crashed and the other was his wife saying she'd run of with his broker who had actually stolen all his money.